if you want to be my friend....
please don't ever lie to me.
i hate liars more than anything else in this world.
Lil' Thoughts O' Meagen
Completely unoriginal....but it's like it's ok....
Mar 30, 2003
Mar 26, 2003
::...the rules to enter my littlest sister kelsey's room..::
OFFICIAL RULES [as stolen from her door]
1. you must love penguins and squirrels to enter the room.
2. you must knock and say who it is.
3. *underlined* NO FARTING IN MY ROOM.
4. you may not touch or mess up my stuff.
5. don't borrow my stuff even if mine's easier to get.
6. take off shoes if you are on my bed and don't have anything else on your hands.
7. you can't come in here to go poop. go to your own and if someone else in in there, wait or go to another bathroom. i won't go in yours.
8. don't make mess when taking shower or bath.
....i love the wisdom of ten year olds...
Mar 18, 2003
::...i'm full of....what?!...::
alt="Take this quiz!"
Which Humor
Troubles the Disposition of YOUR Body?
Your humor is:
Your personality is: sanguine
Your season is: spring
Your element is: air
Your qualities are: hot and moist
Your color is: red
Your organ is: the heart
Your lunar phase is: the first quarter
Your opposing humor is: black bile
A sanguine personality is joyous, quick to laugh, pursues music and the arts, and has a passionate disposition. He is lusty and generous and full of semen.
This potentially dangerous imbalance can be treated with Leaches - by drawing off a portion of Sanguinous Mass through phlebotomy. More conservatively, a manurning libido can be quenched by a cool food such as lettuce. Acid foods are a counter-acting agent, while sweet foods can intensify the imbalance and should be avoided.
Blood, a hot, sweet, tempered, red humour, prepared in the meseraic veins, and made of the most temperate parts of the chylus (chyle) in the liver, whose office it is to nourish the whole body, to give it strength and colour, being dispersed through every part of it. And from it spirits are first begotten in the heart, which afterwards in the arteries are communicated to the other parts
Mar 17, 2003
::...once when i was little someone pointed out to me...::
life....has been good. even with all the extra work with finals/dj/ochem..everything. it's just all been good. i'm finally happy. honestly this time. i feel like i belong somewhere. i feel welcome. ::i feel good::....it's like....when you take a step back..and you look at your life. and you smile. because you like it. because you're happy. because you feel like you are settled...like all the people that matter are *in* your life. i was really unhappy for a while...::even though i feigned happiness:: that wasn't real. right now...this is real. and i can *feel* it.
...the other night at work, i was working with this girl [wendy]. i didn't know her. but i think i had one of the best conversations with her. [sometimes some of the most endearing conversations you can have are with strangers] becuase there is an outside view, no judging, anything. they just say it like it is. it was pretty cool.
...and the other night at the dj party....the guy i *really* like showed me that he's interested, kinda. he was really nice all night, and he held my hand while we talked, and kissed me on the cheek before he left. i think i have forgetten what those butterflies in your tummy feel like....i'm all floaty. :)
anyways, i am basically just procrastinating studying [yet again]. so i think i'm gonna sleep now, and wake up early and study some more.
go get rad or something. :)
Mar 16, 2003
....i'm not a cam whore.......er......
am i an internet cam. whore?
Mar 14, 2003
::..i spend way too much time on the computer...::
I Love Rock 'n' Roll
brought to you by Quizilla
Mar 13, 2003
::thank you::
i was wrong about you.
-a simple conversation-
i felt confident.
::i don't care what you think::
and that's good.
i don't feel the same way i did.
but i can't say that i regret what i've done anymore.
::that's innapropriate for my regret::
i'm grateful that i had you.
-for that frantic moment-
and i'm grateful it ended.
i'm happy you are doing what you want.
::i'm happy i'm doing what i want::
you were my perfect obsession.
i was your perfect distraction.
but i was right about you though, in some respects.
[in most respects]
and i think that's ok.
i won't erase your memory.
-but i will erase my emotions-
i can't feel with you.
::it's not allowed::
[i always go for the ones who already have commitment]
maybe it's comforting.
maybe i go after what i can't have, on purpose.
-minus the maybe-
so, it's not really your fault.
-i knew all along-
i set myself up for dissapointment.
(if you can't hear me it's because i'm in parentheses)
so thank you.
-sincerely this time-
you helped me to see.
[can you see? it's beautiful..]
::thank you::

How MEXICAN are you?
Brought to you by the good folks at sacwriters.com.
Mar 12, 2003
so...i wrote this not too long ago....but, as a one last goodbye to ::that time::...i think it shall be posted. it's not meant to be depressing, but rather...refreshing. i'm *finally* over it...::it's about damn time::...so cheers ::to you::....thanks for everything and nothing at the same time. thank you for the cd's, the memories, the songs, the dinner. thank you for never calling. thank you for telling me you loved her when you held me in your arms. thank you for hurting me. thank you for breaking my heart.
::disubstituted misery::
i have moved on.
you are erased from my life
::but not my memory::
you remain nothing more than a blur.
-a fleeting moment-
an emotion.
::but you were emotionless::
at least i know i cared.
but now i'm anew.
i'm refreshed.
::i can do it::
and i feel this way all the time now.
[i don't wait for your call]
and i'm fine.
until i think back to that night.
-what could have been-
and that empty feeling in the pit of my stomach
[and the bottom of my heart]
emerges from the depths of my sorrow.
but if i think back to what you've done to me
-the pain-
[you caused]
-the phone calls-
[you lacked]
-the promises-
[you failed to fufill]
i feel renewed.
and i am content with your absence.
...goodbye....:)..i can't say i'll miss you.
i::..i did it...::
i did it i did it i did it!....
i passed my "trial by fire" to be a KCPR DJ....i *just* finished ::it's now 4 in the morning....i have class at 8....*yipes*::...but it was way rad!....we had to go in for an hour [at 3 in the morning] while someone from the station listened and evaluated our show and the type of music we played and stuff.
....and it just so happened, the guy that evaluated me...was the guy i have a *semi-crush* on...he's so cute. butt enough about that...he said i had great music choices and a wide variety...and he really liked my show.
GO ME..i'm a DJ...i rock.:)
..it's time to go back to bed for 2 hours...then class!....weeeee....::ahh, the life of a college student DJ...::
oh, and there's a pimp party this friday for everyone ::stoked::...i love it. i love everything....zzzzzzzzzz
Mar 11, 2003
haha....YEAH....er....::what's going on...::
The haxor handle of Meagen Carroll is "Trigg3r McLun1x". |
i've decided that i'm very open to inspiration....which is both comforting and frightening all at once.
::i'm a chaotic mix of emotions....but i mean hey, it's like the lays potato chip thing....nobody can pick just one::
Mar 9, 2003
::..my worst fault...::
.....is jealousy....
i can't help it. i get jealous. ::hate my life:: yeah. i dunno what it is. there's just something...::i can't describe that feeling::...that feeling that i get when i see someone else doing something *i* wanted to do ::but couldn't::...maybe not because i didn't have the opportunity...but simply because i lacked....::something::...[balls? guts?]....
i'm really a shy person. [i cover it up fairly well]. i get nervous before i call people on the phone, when i hang out with people for the first time, before i go to shows ::yeah, i know..i'm a dork::...i just get that *feeling* in the pit of my stomach ::you know, the one that makes you feel like you've been drinking too many jack and cokes all morning::...i get nervous sometimes before i hang out with my *friends*..maybe because i'm insecure. maybe because the people i often hold in highest regard, aren't my true friends. it shouldn't matter what other people think ::but it does::. i try so hard to be me ::don't push it::...when i should just let it happen. ::i will come out when i'm ready::
i'm a gemini, which makes me fickle. i'm two personalities rolled into one. ::i don't know who i am today, but i can tell you it wasn't who i was yesterday, and it won't be who i am tomorrow::..i need stability. honesty. truth. trust. all the things i lack. ::don't be jealous::
i guess, i'm just grateful for the *few* true friends i have in my life. the ones i feel like i can call in the middle of the night when i'm crying about life, and they won't care if i walk over with a box of tissues, and cry in their amrs ::i love you for that night::...the ones i can trust with my secrets, the ones that know everything and nothing about me.
i think it's our similarities that made us friends, and our differences that keep us friends. ::wow, uh..deep, meagen::...
i guess...i'm jealous of you, and grateful i have you. all of you. you make my life worthwhile.
~and i'm truly glad i know you~
i have been sick for the past week and boycotted going online because, well, frankly i just didn't ::feel:: like it, ok? ::dennis miller sarcasm:: so i haven't updated in a while. deal with it ::sob::...the update will be soon enough. i love you all. :)
-whatevah, i blog when i want-
i found a new way to waste time...
it's so bomb. :)
loobird....::thank you::...i owe you all my time. haha.
Mar 2, 2003
i think the worst feeling in the world is when you have to sneeze.....
and then your eye gets all watery and you twitch and then you are like *damnit* just SNEEZE.
yeah..i hate that.