::...the best gesture a friend could give....::
i was sitting online in my room tonight....and my roomate tory comes in and gives me a hug...out of the blue. so i'm like "wow, thanks for the hug"....and she goes on....and in the most sincere way ever, tells me this:
"i'm just so happy to know you. you know when you just get to thinking about things. and i've just been thinking. i'm so glad you are in my life. you are truly a blessing in my life"
that seriously made my night. i love her. i'm so happy right now. made me all warm inside. thank you tory.
Lil' Thoughts O' Meagen
Completely unoriginal....but it's like it's ok....
Jan 30, 2003
Jan 29, 2003
Jan 28, 2003
2 midterms tomorrow.....TWO DAMNIT!...and one is o.chem ::cries::....
here's the lowdown on tomorrow ::lord god, give me patience::
8-9 nutrition midterm
9-10:45 study for o.chem more
10:50-12 o.chem midterm
12-3:30 work at cupid's
6-7 dj class
....then perhaps i slumber?......dayum.
Jan 27, 2003
haley and i were talking about how we have obsessive compulsive disorder....but haley's childhood phobia of people taking pictures of her at night was so funny, i couldn't resist putting it on the blog..hehe.
DeathByAltoids: i have ocd too. i have to close the closet doors....at all times. if they are open, i can't stand it. and all lights have to be off
DeathByAltoids: if i walk by a light, and it's on and no one is there...i have to turn it off
DeathByAltoids: and i eat too much
HaleBopp424: lol
HaleBopp424: yah closet door thing me too
HaleBopp424: but only cause i think there's someone in it when i turn off the lights
HaleBopp424: kind of like when i used to have to sleep with the covers over my head
HaleBopp424: cause i thought people were takin pictures of me outside the window
HaleBopp424: and then somtimes i'd sleep wtih just my head showing
HaleBopp424: cause i figured if they thought i had no limbs...they would think i was defective and wouldn't want me
DeathByAltoids: hahahaha....
Jan 26, 2003
::...don't we all...::
HAH. chris's response to a quote i have on my profile by miss mika sullivan....that say "i'll just take my cleavage and go elsewhere"
WldNCzy01: I wanna take Mika's cleavage and go elsewhere...
::will feels my pain.....::
BrothaWillay: as cool as my prof is (dr. simek rules, well as much as an ochem prof can) i want to put on hit on Ochem. i want to denature the beast. i want to tear off all of its functional groups and cram all of my flash cards down its ugly organic =-O
BrothaWillay: best of luck tomorrow ;-)
o.chem can suck it.
Jan 25, 2003
Jan 24, 2003
Jan 23, 2003
i can't beat this game!
it's driving me insane!
did i really just drink that whole jamba juice?
no lunch for meagen...
oh, and "yellow ledbetter" by pearl jam is the best song ever.
Jan 22, 2003
HEY GUYS. i got a little "shout out" thing on my blog so you can make direct comments to me!.....YAY. i so happy. i love the blog.
Jan 21, 2003
eh. so like.....life is good.
i haven't eaten anything of nutritional value today.
i should've just got pizza.
now i'm still hungry...because i haven't really "eaten" today.
i should go grocery shopping.
i should go do my calculus.
i should go to bed.
hmmm...so many things.
lacy...you crack me up....
i love this!
i had fun....thanks shmace!
I AM THE NEW CAL POLY DJ!....wahoo. i'm so stoked on life right now. weeeeeeee.
it's gonna be good times....dj meagen on the ones and twos. hellz yeah. haha.
Jan 20, 2003
Jan 16, 2003
hmmm....haven't updated in 2 days....do i smell a long entry?
nah...i dunno. i should be going to bed pretty soon. bedtime always gets me thinking though. often times, the time i get into bed and the time i actually fall asleep happen within a couple hours of each other. so, why not blog instead? ::sigh:: i think i'm addicted to this thing. anyhoo....so i've been coming to a lot of realizations lately. ::screw you if you don't call:: i think it's the fact that i have to write a self introductory speech for my speech class. and it's been getting me thinking....well, do i really know myself well enough to convey...myself to other people? i mean really. think about it. how many people actually know themselves. in a way, i think a self introductory speech is a bit....contradicting. the teacher basically forces you to get up in front of a bunch of strangers, and within the confines of an assignment, convey your own personality. within boundaries, rules, restrictions. ::let's not talk about that right now..:: i can't curse [part of me]...i can't make sexual jokes [part of me]..i can't put on music and shake it in front of my class [much to my dismay]..none of that. but that's all me! that's all part of who i am!...::sigh:: i actually really don't know where i was going with this...::i wish i was more introspective than i try to be..::
oh yeah. my realizations. i've realized over the past couple days, that it doesn't take that much to make me feel truly happy. i also realized that it doesn't take much to make me sad, or angry. often times i flit in and out of different emotions within minutes, therefore...i guess i would be labeled "emotional" or "moody." but i think i'm generally happy. i've realized that i've placed way too much emphasis on things, and people, and experiences that won't matter more to me than a memory of the past. i've realized that i've been neglecting the people that really mater in my life, while treating the people that cause me so much grief, and anguish, torment and drama with the utmost respect. i want them to like me. i need them to. it's that NEED that makes me fear who i am when i am around them. that's not me. i don't "need." i've realized that i've had a lot of great things happen, and a lot of shitty ones. i've realized that the people that make me the most happy are my family. i've realized that i have so much life ahead of me. i've realized that i'm scared of screwing up. that sometimes it's ok to be sad. that i'm too hard on myself. that i obsess. that sometimes i neglect who i am just to fit in.
through all of this, i've learned a lot. i'm beginning to be more mature. to realize that i have a responsibility in life. that the time for me to screw up is over. that this isn't a dress rehearsal. this is life. you only get one chance. one. that's it. uno. every minute...part of our life. hell, you just spent about 5 minutes of your life reading my blog. that's five minutes you'll never get back. do you like how you spent them? ::hehe:: i have become a part of your life. and you a part of mine. and i thank you. for being there. for being a part of me. nice to meet you. this is me.
Jan 14, 2003
whoever made the serving size "1/2 cup" on the ice cream containers has SERIOUS problems....
i hate you.
Jan 13, 2003
::where am i today, i wish that i knew....::
::we get distracted by the dreams of our own.....but nobody's happy while feeling alone...::
-nickel creek.
Jan 12, 2003
"i'm allergic to tide....."
quoted....my manager at cupid's who "can't clean" because she's "allergic" to the cleaning product SHE PICKED.
may i ask....
end rant.
Jan 9, 2003
i used the word "menage" in front of the whole speech class today.
....i think i'm going to like it in hell.....
Jan 8, 2003
...to the birds outside my window....
oh my god, i am going to go outside and SHOOT YOU. ALL OF YOU.
stop talking. STOP the DAMN...TALKING.
::ahem...allow myself to introduce...myself...::
i snort when i laugh.
i cry when i watch white christmas.
i want to write.
i want to nutrition-ize the world.
i want to make a difference in a way that matters.
i play piano.
i struggle with the bass.
i sometimes think i'm cool because my friends play in punk bands.
i sometimes think i'm cool because my dad plays in rock bands.
my dates in high school were all blind dates.
i think it's hard to sum up my life in 5 minutes.
i keep three online journals, and two paper journals...and i write in all of them.
i doodle constantly.
i waste paper.
i always capitalize my "r's" when writing, but never my "i's."
my siblings are the greatest thing that have ever happened to me.
i wish i was more introspective than i try to be.
i was happy.
i am happy.
i will be happy in the future.
i'm scared of deju vu.
i think the word "kumquat" is a dirty word.
more often than i'd like to admit, i laugh when people trip and fall.
i'm addicted to diet dr. pepper.
i want to have kids....6 of them.
i want to travel the world.
i want to stay up all night drinking coffee and watching movies, and then take a walk on the beach when the sun comes up.
i want to mean what i say.
i envy.
i'm clumsy.
i'm ungrateful and inconsiderate.
i don't like who i am but i like who i'm becoming.
i'm open to inspiration.
i had braces for three years.
i eat when i'm not hungry.
i've cheated during every game of candyland.
i was older than i should have been when i realized "colonel" was pronounced "kernel."
i had a pet frog named "smallfry."
my sister told me a year ago that she was actually the one who let smallfry loose.
i have a slight obsession with mushrooms.
i like to be alone.
i want to eat a whole head of lettuce.
i want a cow.
i love clams.
i think john lennon is better than paul mccartney.
i am alive.
i'm not afraid of dying, but of not being alive.
i'm glad my new cell phone vibrates.
i spend more money than i should.
Jan 7, 2003
my speech teacher....
is the most bomb teacher ever.
she's cool. she's inspiring. she doesn't like to live by the rules.
...and she said the words "orgy" and "fuck" during the first 1/2 hour we were there....
i think i'm gonna like SCOM 101.....WOOO.
Jan 6, 2003
WOW. so it's been a LONG TIME since i've so called "blogged it".....
here's the lowdown:
i'm back at school.
i just got a $70 paycheck and a $25 christmas bonus from cupid's. [yay]
i just got the o.chem class i crashed, and i don't have to take the lab again.
i now own a webcam and operate it frequently.
they just hired a really hot guy at cupid's. [swoon]
i'm actually going to to homework tonight.
i'm going grocery shopping in about 3 hours [good thing too..i'm starving]
i have a gaping scratch in my right hand from trying to catch a drunken friend when he fell against a stucco wall.
i keep making the allergy face.
i have a shitload of jolly ranchers and lifesavers.
i am going to go to the record store tomorrow.
i might actually donate my time to volunteering at a local elementary school. [i'm a giver]
i might be a radio dj for cal poly. [dj nug on the ones and two's]
i am happy.