What Office Space character are you?
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Lil' Thoughts O' Meagen
Completely unoriginal....but it's like it's ok....
Oct 31, 2002
::my mommy is funny....::
TCMatriarch: HEY MEAGEN, Why can't ghosts have babies? Because they have crystal balls and hallow weiners....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. I just wanted to say (type) weiners. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
happy halloweeeeeen[er]!
Oct 29, 2002
::what's a killah?...::
Are you the KILLAHH or NO KILLAHH!?!
brought to you by Quizilla
Oct 27, 2002
Oct 26, 2002
::travis's halloween rant......uhhhh::
THill652: hey, i think i might go as a pumpkin f*cker for halloween, whaddaya think?
DeathByAltoids: ummmmm
DeathByAltoids: WHAT!
THill652: i dunno, i was thinking cheap costume, i just cut ahole in a pumpkin and carry it with me
THill652: then hump it every now and then
THill652: i was gonna go as a redneck, but realized i'd probably get jumped by aggies, now i have no inspiration
THill652: eh, i'll porbably just give halloween a miss again
THill652: screw it
::for some reason, this amused me more than it should have...::
mikasully: woohoo take it off meagen!
Auto response from DeathByAltoids: i'm naked.
DeathByAltoids: yeah, you know i'll take it off
Auto response from mikasully: "Practice safe eating — always use condiments."
bahahahaha. good times with mika. never a dull moment.
Oct 25, 2002
soo, you remember the newton in bed thingy that i posted like 2 days ago?
well yeah...um, i just found out today that newton died a virgin.
yeah....i know. no one ever saw his magnitude. or felt his friction.
::the sadness::
Oct 24, 2002
::i like this club already......::
DeathByAltoids: the 'against [your name here]' club
HaleBopp424: haha
HaleBopp424: i'll leave that up to you
HaleBopp424: but maybe my table will start it
HaleBopp424: and we'll have like membership cards
DeathByAltoids: YES
HaleBopp424: that are laminated
DeathByAltoids: and den...
DeathByAltoids: when you come up and visit
DeathByAltoids: den you flash the card
HaleBopp424: lol yes
DeathByAltoids: we can have a secret "against --------" handshake
HaleBopp424: we'll have a thing to follow
HaleBopp424: "i *enter name here* promise to always hate --------
HaleBopp424: no matter what happens...i promise to never associate with him, never talk to him, and never look at him...and if spoken too, i will kick him in the balls"
HaleBopp424: something like dat..
::fun times with inatimate objects....and bree::
rockstarboys4mE: hell yeah. i like to abuse inatimate objects
rockstarboys4mE: ahaha
DeathByAltoids: i'm reporting you
rockstarboys4mE: go ahead! i wont stop!
DeathByAltoids: ohhhhh....tough girl, eh?
rockstarboys4mE: rawr.
DeathByAltoids: come 'on missy......we're goin' downtown
rockstarboys4mE: back up or you will be attacked with various inatimate objects
DeathByAltoids: noooooo
DeathByAltoids: anything but that!
DeathByAltoids: i am weak and powerless against the inatimate
rockstarboys4mE: ive got a toaster.
DeathByAltoids: ::screams::
rockstarboys4mE: lol
rockstarboys4mE: oh lord. this is what were going to be doing on halloween while everyone else is out having fun.
DeathByAltoids: hahaha
DeathByAltoids: you...threatening me with toasters
DeathByAltoids: ::bliss::
DeathByAltoids: hah
rockstarboys4mE: lol. true, i could think of nothing more fun than inatimate objects and meagen
DeathByAltoids: oh man, that was HOT.....you are so kinky..
Oct 23, 2002
::GREAT....just WONDERFUL.....::
Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
Oct 22, 2002
::newton's laws.....in bed...::
do you think that when newton was getting all freaky in bed and stuff with his lovers, that he said stuff like...
"hey baby, wanna create some friction?"
or maybe...
"hey, i heard you have a constant velocity...wanna see my magnitude?"
or like....
you know, you just wonder sometimes....
Oct 21, 2002
Oct 20, 2002
OH MY GOD......
go see the ring....it nearly scared the SHIT outta me......oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
.....7 days.....
yesterday evening, at 2:30 am. i decided i wanted to watch a movie. so i got into my pajamas, cued up vanilla sky on my computer dvd, climbed into the top bunk of my bed.....and started watching a movie...by myself....at 2:30 in the morning.
it was the best night i've had in a long time.
Oct 17, 2002
::something tells me.....my brother isn't normal....i guess he just has a good hard drive? maybe lots of RAM....hahahha::
IIINoFXisgodIII: must.....unpluggg.....!!
so basically i'm a really big nerd....and i write poems about yellowcard to the rythm and rhyme of 'twas the night before christmas'....enjoy.
::twas the night before showtime::
'twas the night before showtime, and all through the rv
not a yellowcard rocker was stirring, not even lp.
the instruments were packed in their cases safe and sound
in anticipation of playing for a crazy ass crowd.
the yellowcard boys lay nestled snug in their beds
while visions of rock stardom, danced in their heads.
and rob in his t-shirt and henry in his cap
and kevin the merch guy were all going to nap.
when outside the rv there arose a big noise
that woke up each one of the yellowcard boys.
up to the windows, they ran and they peered
looked to the outside to see who had come near.
the moon from the sky gave light to a man
emerging from the shadows, approaching the van.
when, what to their wondering eyes did they see
but inspection 12 guitarest/pianist pete mosley.
with a black bass guitar, so shiny the trim
they knew in a moment that it must be him
he explained to the yellowcard boys why he came
laughed with them fondly, and called them by name:
"now ryan, now sean, now ben and lp...
and rob, and henry, kevin, and now me!
to the top of the stage! to the venue we go!
now hurry up, hurry up, let's play a great show!"
as most bands that pump up before the punk rock
they grabbed their new bassist and gave him a talk
then up to the stage-top yellowcard flew
with all of their music, and pete mosley too.
and then, in a twinkling, the band started to play
rocking the pants off the crowd, so they say
as the fans drew in and were dancing around
they noticed the bassist had a new unique sound.
he was dressed in a white shirt, and had short black hair
his shorts, army print cutoffs that he always would wear
the black guitar strap slung low by his side
complimenting his demeanor, his style and stride.
his eyes, how they twinkled! his glasses, his smile
all part of the bassist, that would stay for a while
a musical genius had come out of his shell
"to rock for this yellowcard band!" the fans yell.
the neck of his guitar held tight in his hand
fingers kept flying in time with the band
he had managed to fill the yellowcard blank
and smiled whenever they played 'for pete's sake.'
neither chubby, nor plump, a pimp jacksonville man
this new bassist from i-12 was rocking each fan
with a wink of his eye and a strum of his bass
that won the crowd over, by the looks on their face
he sang a few words, and played all through the night
and when he was finished, he knew he'd done alright
and laying his guitar inside of his case
he gave one nod to the crowd before leaving the place.
after the show, his new band called him near
he walked over quietly, and they held him dear
and he heard them exclaim, as they now felt complete:
"you played a great show, welcome to yellowcard pete!"
Oct 14, 2002
Oct 11, 2002
::joke time!::
1. so, a neutron walks into a bar....and he asks the bartender how much for a drink. and the bartender says.....for you, no charge!
2. two particles are walking, and all of a sudden, one says "OH NO!. i think i just lost an electron"...and the other one says "...are you sure?" and he goes "yes, i'm positive..."
HAHAHAHHA..i crack myself up.
Oct 10, 2002
::what is the world coming to?::
these websites were sent to me by the infamous [not to mention perfect] christian miller....
we thank you for your additions.
this one....
this one.
funniest damn sites ever.
::what is love?::
love is when you can wear the 'stealth' model chemistry lab goggles and a lab coat with your hair all in dissaray, and the person that you love says you are beautiful....and means it with all of his heart.....and then you can look up dirty words together in the dictionary, laugh, and drink hot chocolate and maybe a little will squirt out your nose....
at least.....that's just my opinion...i could be wrong.
Oct 9, 2002
Oct 8, 2002
::i'm a lucky wench::
yesterday.....i won a free 20 oz. coke from a sprite bottle i bought....
then i was feeling lucky so i bought a $1 scratch card.....
god, i'm so cool.
kat is the funniest person alive....
EeyoresKat: sing to the tune of ice ice baby..............
Auto response from DeathByAltoids: sleeping...funny how i have to wake up in like 5 hours. i hate school
EeyoresKat: hump hump baby
EeyoresKat: alright stop hump me and listen
EeyoresKat: kat needs a good humpin from meagen
EeyoresKat: someone to hump her tightly
EeyoresKat: flow with the hump daily and nightly
EeyoresKat: will the hump stop YO I hope NO
EeyoresKat: turn out the lights and hump more
EeyoresKat: to the extreme we hump like vandals humping all the time you can not handle
EeyoresKat: Hump hump baby
EeyoresKat: do do do do do do do do
EeyoresKat: hump hump baby
EeyoresKat: LOL!!!! I crack myself up!
EeyoresKat: miss and love you meagen!
EeyoresKat: you better save this rap forever!
oh don't worry....it will be immoralized on the blog FOREVER!
god, i miss that girl.
Oct 5, 2002
::i hate to say it....but, i told you so....:: ![]() Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I'm not drunk, I can drink plenty without... What was I saying? Beer. What Flavour Are You? |
but then, it also said when i am not tasting like alcohol i taste like....
![]() I am one of the most popular flavours in the world. Subtle and smooth, I go reasonably with anyone, and rarely do anything to offend. I can be expected to be blending in in society. What Flavour Are You? |
i have two flavors....weird, huh?
i forgot to mention that on thursday on my first day of organic chemistry lab...
i broke a 50 mL graduated cylinder.
i now owe 2.50 to the campus cashiers, and my chemistry teacher an apology.
::times like these, are memories...::
last night i got to see yellowcard and no use for a name at the ventura theatre.
needless to say, it was one of the best nights of my life, yet again. i don't know how yellowcard manages to put me in such a good mood all the time.....but i was thinking about it today, and it's not just yellowcard in the band sense. i mean yeah, they are an awesome band and i have to give them credit on that one. and when it comes to people and personalities, they are one in a million. probably some of the nicest guys i've ever met. but i think when you go to their shows, and you see people that you know and have grown to love, and even last night...when my parents came to the concert with me, and my brother came too, it made me so happy to see them sharing such a big part of my life with me. god, i love the whole atmosphere of being there...there is nothing like being at a punk show, seroiusly. it is one of the greatest things ever. and no, i won't be doing this for the rest of my life, and probably my music styles will change as i get older. but for right now, i'm having the time of my life just being who i am, surrounded by the people that i love, and supporting one of the greatest sources of happiness in my life...yeah, i know...i'm cheezy. but yeah. go yellowcard and love life.
i know i do.
Oct 3, 2002
::this is for haley because her blog is being stupid::
HaleBopp424: ok dad comes in here and goes..
HaleBopp424: "its a red letter day....you got TWO pieces of mail, you're almost a person *clapping*"
HaleBopp424: thanks dad
i didn't get any mail today.....=(