Lil' Thoughts O' Meagen
Completely unoriginal....but it's like it's ok....
Sep 29, 2002
::something tells me....i'm not as innocent as i look.....::
Auto response from DeathByAltoids: being the moral, religious, perfect child that i am....i am currently attending mass at the san luis obispo back when i am cleansed of all of my sins.....
1. THill652: like that could ever happen...
2. Taimyoboi: that will take more than one mass attendance
Taimyoboi: perhaps joining a convent is in order for you
i'm an innocent, god-fearing adult, people!....i swear!
it's moments like these, that make moments truly worthwhile.....
lisa and i....walk out of the movie tonight....see this girl that used to order a SHIZNIT load of hummice on her sandwiches when i would make them at VG's....[we had nicknamed her hummice girl...]...and neither of us look at each other, we just both see her.....
and start CRACKING up uncontrollably. it was probably funnier to us when we were there...but it's times like these.....that are memories.
Sep 28, 2002
we planted separate gardens
that grew intertwined
you never bothered with yours
i took care and weeded mine
you said you didn't realize
that weeds would always stay
now my garden is thriving
and yours will wilt away.
Sep 27, 2002
Sep 26, 2002
My Mormon name is Heaven Lee Caroldean!
What's yours?
Sep 25, 2002
when i said i didn't think i could do school anymore....this is what my daddy said.....
DeathByAltoids: i don't think i can do school anymore
Rockergodforever: hey, enjoy that beer-filled amniotic sack of academia while you can.....
alright....maybe i will =)
::i'm so funny.....funny looking that is....::
edsonic621: you, ma'am are one in a million
DeathByAltoids: oh?
edsonic621: funniest chick I ever met
edsonic621: sorry
edsonic621: chick isnt so p.c. these days.
edsonic621: so, youre the funniest bitch i ever met
DeathByAltoids: hahahha..
Sep 24, 2002
::becky cracks me up......::
Auto response from Preki704: Dreaming....maybe even about u....
Using rigorous statistic techniques that i learned over the summer in Stats 101, I have figured out that the probability of finding a man who is intelligent, fairly hot, amibitious, and for the not socially retarded, is the number in the set which is the complement of the universal other words....1/N where N is equivalent to infinity......if u find that u fit this description...please do not hesitate to inform me of these admirable qualities that you claim you posssess...(addition from my roommate)....If u go to BC, you are already disqualified.....sweet dreams
Sep 23, 2002
HOT DAMN. i cooked a meal tonight for my roomates. and it was edible. in fact, it was good.
i knew it. i'm the next emeril.
Sep 22, 2002's that time again. the season premiere of my life. i am going back to school 8am no less. ARGH. how am i gonna do it? ehh....lots of diet dr. pepper in the morning to get me going? whatever. but, all the time before school starts i always have big plans. i'm gonna get up on time, do my hair, study more, not procrastinate, take good notes, try to pay attention in class rather than doodle pages of dribble on notebook paper. and for the first week, i'm pretty good. but then it gets hard, i get frustrated, stressed, and i don't do anything. it's a vicious cycle. so THIS year, it's gonna be different. i'm NOT gonna procrastinate. i'm gonna be responsible. i'm gonna be confident. i'm gonna make friends with my professors. i'm gonna talk to that cute guy in lab class, and i'm gonna be approachable. after all....the single life IS good for something, isn't it? i am going to get a good job that i like. i'm going to give people second chances. i'm gonna be a better person, and i'm not going to get so worked up about the stupid things. so there you have it. my list. i'm gonna do it! i really am. and you all are gonna help me. yay!...::hugs blog readers:: you guys are the best.
.......oh yeah, and i am done with assholes.
Sep 21, 2002
Sep 20, 2002
i had a ::sweet:: dream about pete mosley from yellowcard/inspection 12 last night.
i am now in love with pete mosley.
[i don't CARE if i have been flooding the blog with's MY DAMN BLOG!...and i'll do whatever i want.....skank]
Sep 19, 2002
::kat and me..having a normal conversation while i'm here, and she's in germany::
EeyoresKat: i totally wish you were here
DeathByAltoids: i wish i was there too!
DeathByAltoids: and i wanna hump you NOW
EeyoresKat: OH YES OH YES
EeyoresKat: give it to me babz
DeathByAltoids: OH OH OH
DeathByAltoids: that was a damn good orgasm
EeyoresKat: i know
EeyoresKat: i fell over in the comp lab
DeathByAltoids: hahahaha
DeathByAltoids: my uterus elevated with excitement
EeyoresKat: LOL
EeyoresKat: thats great i love making her do that
DeathByAltoids: she likes it too ::caresses uterus::
EeyoresKat: haha
Sep 17, 2002
::oh..i'll remember all right....::
EeyoresKat: and remember i want your ass
I LOVE KAT...she's mad rad.
::somehow, i'm not surrpised....::

Your Inner Blonde is Britney Spears
"Whee! I'm a virgin. Look at my butt crack!"
If everyone were as dumb as you, you'd be able to pull that one off.
But, you do get props for being one of the richest women around!
Who's *Your* Inner Dumb Blonde? Click Here to Find Out!
Sep 14, 2002
::perhaps only i will find this amusing....don't you tink?::
HaleBopp424: r we doin anything tonite?
DeathByAltoids: i tink we may be seeing a movie
HaleBopp424: u tink
DeathByAltoids: i tink
DeathByAltoids: i tink a lot
DeathByAltoids: 'bout birds
DeathByAltoids: and trees
HaleBopp424: lol u would
DeathByAltoids: whatchu tink 'bout
HaleBopp424: i never said i tink
DeathByAltoids: oh, you'll tink if i say you tink
HaleBopp424: o
DeathByAltoids: have you ever 'tunk'
HaleBopp424: i tunk all da time
DeathByAltoids: whore
DeathByAltoids: tunk slut!
Sep 12, 2002
::bitter, party of one?....your table is ready....::
why do i even bother?
i can see what no one else sees.
you must be blind.
here, take a piece of my heart with you.
it will hurt less than when you borrowed it for so long.
promise me
you'll close your eyes when you kiss her
so she knows
you are thinking of me
and maybe
i'll be thinking of you too.
[bitter laughter...]
Sep 11, 2002
so, i've been most definately bored lately. no work + counting down the days until i go back up to school=sheer boredom. i spend most of my days online, and even THAT is boring me. so all i have is you, dear journal....won't you listen to me whine? ah yes. hmm....
things i need before school:
various haircare products [mousse, hairspray]
more drawers
underbed storage containers
that poodle poster...[omg, weirdest and funniest thing ever]
scrapbooking pen
things i want before school:
webcam [mos def!]
baller car stereo system
a wardrobe [notice a said....A wardrobe...not a NEW wardrobe....i have NO's sad]
things i will get before school:
most likely, nothing.
grrrr....i need energy. and to get off this damn computer!. i'm bringing my sister's keyboard up to college..i'm way psyched about that. yeahhh. i'll be in a band yet. uhh. yeah, i'm gonna change the world someday. i don't know how, but i am. SO THERE. anyways, i'm getting random now, so it's time to go. i shalt return later. toodles, dearies.
eh, i thought this was amusing....
this is how i spend my days now......animating pictures of myself....once again, on the computer....
i live a sad life.
::yeah...that thing is DAMN scary...::
Loobird01: Okay!! Picture it: Wednesday, approximately 4:45pm. A beautiful girl named Loobird reads Meagen's blog. She zeros in on September 9th, at 12:01am. Loobird is calmed by the soothing Pakistani man's music. THEN SHE ALMOST HAS A HEART-ATTACK WHEN THAT THING SCREAMS AT HER!
Auto response from DeathByAltoids: out and about....whoring myself as usual.
Loobird01: the moral here: DON'T DO THAT TO PEOPLE!!!!! You would have been responsible for my death! Only you....think about that!
i am WAY too addicted to the yellowcard message board.....
it's ridiculous.
Sep 10, 2002
::...i was the second gunmen on the....uhh....westside nole?::
III 311isGod III: hey meagen..
DeathByAltoids: hey chris
III 311isGod III: if i tell you something...somewhat of a confession...can you not look at me differently?
DeathByAltoids: yup
III 311isGod III: no one knows this
III 311isGod III: ...i was the one who killed tupac
DeathByAltoids: hahahaha
DeathByAltoids: chris..
III 311isGod III: you laugh
DeathByAltoids: i'm gonna have to report this
DeathByAltoids: are you shakur?
DeathByAltoids: haha
DeathByAltoids: get it?
DeathByAltoids: shakur? sure?
DeathByAltoids: BAHAHA
DeathByAltoids: yeah...
DeathByAltoids: you made my blog..
Sep 9, 2002
::this is the funniest thing i've ever heard....::
Mr Balls agt: Have you seen Trigger happy TV?
DeathByAltoids: no, but everyone talks about that
DeathByAltoids: what is it?
Mr Balls agt: Its some British guy who does all kjinds of funny stuff to random people
Mr Balls agt: Its like, a creative artistic jackass.
DeathByAltoids: oh rad
Mr Balls agt: Its funny as hell.
Mr Balls agt: Theres this one...
Mr Balls agt: where traffic stops at a light and some guy in a tortoise costume starts crawling across the street.
Mr Balls agt: And as he's almost across the street somebody in a Hare outfit goes running by
DeathByAltoids: hahahahahaaha
Mr Balls agt: its so funny
DeathByAltoids: i'm putting that on my damn blog...that is the funniest thing i've ever heard
a little snippet, from mis erin brooks..........take it away erin!....
watch this closely, and turn up your volume a bit.
Sep 8, 2002
i think one of the worst feelings in the world, is when you sit down at the toilet.....and you do your thing....and then you realize....that you have no toilet paper....
i hate that.
Sep 5, 2002
::random lyrics that can't be put into the same song....but i can't think of any more lines....for any of them::
you're always going down on each others bad reputations
take a look at yourself
before you look at me.
can't you see?
that you're a slut
only good for a f*ck
they don't care
how you wear your hair
it's all about down there.
open your eyes the next time we kiss.
is it me you've missed?
or is it the way i always take my clothes off whenever your around. always have the lights off.
don't [listen] to the things they try.
don't accept the things they buy.
don't fall in love when they look into your eyes.
[damn writers block.....grrrrr.....]
Sep 4, 2002
the loving affection from my mother....
TCMatriarch: dishes skank
DeathByAltoids: i'm getting there, skank
DeathByAltoids: methinks you shold do dishes:-D
TCMatriarch: die!
::I KNEW IT!.....::
now it's your turn to take the "which pop sensation are you" quiz.
::hugs self::....self, you are soooo britney....i love you.
Sep 3, 2002
Sep 2, 2002
::you should have called.....::
WldNCzy01: i was thinking about calling you out on the boat
WldNCzy01:but then i thought to myself, i said, "Self, if you were out on a boat, perhaps trying to work your jiggy mojo and get some pliggity plizay, how would you like it if some winack fizool called you up on the celly and tried to salt your game like soy?"
WldNCzy01: after considering what i said to myself, i decided not to call... peace out jigga..(taps fist on chest twice, makes peace sign, brings to lips, kisses peace sign, tosses peace sign suggestivley in meagen's direction"
Sep 1, 2002
::my mom is blogworthy
TCMatriarch: if blog entries could be compared to orgasms we'd all be screamin YES, YES, YES! Whenever we saw our name copied in the entry.
DeathByAltoids: OH MY GOD
DeathByAltoids: that might be blogworthy
TCMatriarch: did I cross the whole mother daughter thing?'s funny.