hah....remember the paint stick infomercial?
::sigh::...that was my favorite...
Lil' Thoughts O' Meagen
Completely unoriginal....but it's like it's ok....
Jun 30, 2002
Jun 25, 2002
too tired to write a long paragraph...but i have so much to say....::sigh::...
in due time, in due time..
typical camp day....
6 year old camper: "i hate stupid windbags..."
me: "what?"
camper: "girls....girls are windbags"
me: "what, why are girls windbags?"
camper: "because they talk too much about stupid girlie stuff....especially 19 year olds.."
me: "hey...i'm 19..."
camper: "i know..."
so then later that day...he runs over, kicks me in the shins, shouts "windbag" and runs away.....
i love my job...
Jun 23, 2002
Jun 21, 2002
::everybody's workin' for the weekend...::
.....except me. i'm finally finished with my first week of camp. ::whew:: it was probably one of the most exhausting weeks of my life. i'm really tired and really delirious..and i have 10 more weeks of it. woo.
in other news, i am currently eating baked lays potato chips whilst trying to avoid eating the entire large bag. so far, i haven't had any success.
my throat hurts because i lost my voice going to the all in good time and don't look down show...and from screaming at bratty little kids....
i want to go to sleep, but i am going out tonight....which i also want to do ::sigh::....i'm so torn....i hope i don't fall asleep at the wheel driving home tonight....
Jun 19, 2002
so....well, what do i have to post about?
it's hard to find time to blog nowadays....because i have a lot more to keep me busy in the summer...there's not enough "introspective" time...or "emo time" if you will...=) but all in all, i am enjoying myself..even though the kids suck, i'm always tired, and i work my ass off every single day and get paid next to nothing for it. nah, but it's cool. i'll write more later when i'm in a more 'emo' mood...i just can't bring myself to write tonight. maybe i'm too tired...or maybe my life is running out of material. either way, i'll be posting more erratically....but every time i do...it'll be some good times.
Jun 18, 2002
father's day cards in my house....
kelsey: you are the best dad ever! i hope you have a great father's day....p.s. QUACK!...
quack? my family is now a family of ducks? kelsey is sooo weird...
Jun 14, 2002
Jun 13, 2002
::you are kidding....::

take the antisocial test.
and go to mewing.net. because laura's feeling social.
i just read an excerpt from another girl's journal, and i think that it is worth posting, because it kinda goes along with the way that i've been feeling lately....
"i understand about the whole "looking for a hook-up, a good-time, a fill-in-the-blank girl," and it IS incredibly annoying. I swear, somewhere there's a cluster of guys who really do respect women - who actually CARE about what we're talking about - who WANT to know and UNDERSTAND what makes us tick. Though, if we found them, we'd probably not be interested - they'd smell funny, or have a nervous twitch, or something else crazy like that. I guess the safest thing is to just be friends. Sometimes I think my best guy friend knows me better than I know myself, and that certainly makes things interesting. I can't play games with him and "pretend" my feelings away. Anyway... all of that to say keep on truckin', but keep your eyes open. :)"
hmm....makes you wonder, eh? have i been a fill in the blank girl? am i turned off by the people who really care? i swear i wouldn't know what love was until it smacked me upside the head. maybe i'll never know. but who really knows for sure? everyone's definition of love is different. maybe love is when you find someone with the same definition as you. maybe love is when you care about someone so much that it hurts, and they care about you too....and it hurts. is love painful? yes...i think so. although i wouldn't know for sure. i'm too focused on protecting myself from being hurt, that i never open up my heart to new experiences and new feelings. i guess you could say that i'm scared. alright, you hear me? i'm scared. i hate mushy stuff because i am afraid of it. maybe i don't have time, maybe i'm too focused on my goals, maybe i'm just not ready for love yet. but when will i be ready? ::sigh:: i'm tired of "crushing", obessing over "oh, does he like me?"....yeah yeah, i know he likes me....does he care about me? does he respect me? am i ready to feel so deeply about another person? have i found a person that i care about, and that i respect? ::sigh:: am i too focused on finding that ::one guy::...you know, that one guy, who, when you meet him, you just have that feeling, that you just ::know:: is yours for the rest of your life. i don't think i'm ready to find that guy yet, but what do i do until then? enter relationships that will ultimately leave you with nothing more than a memory? i seem to have a lot of questions, without any answers. maybe someday all of these questions will be answered, and someday maybe....just maybe...i will find that ::one guy::....but i'm not going to sit back and wait for life to happen around me. i'm ready...i think i'm ready....it's gonna be one wild ride....
Jun 12, 2002
::....and i know that you're a sucker...for anything acoustic....::
well, that's it. she's gone. bam. done. for her, freshman year...over. for me? one more final to go. and instead of studying for that final, i'm gonna get all sentimental on the blog. yeah...'cuz that's what i do. i get mushy. ew gross, i hate mushy. makes me all itchy and stuff, but....for the sake of my roomie, i'm gonna brace myself and do it.
.................i love you lisa............
alright, done....
just kidding...had you fooled for a minute, didn't i?....well, my room is the most depressing room ever right now....just my crap strewn about the room....lisa's side, all gone...bare bed, bare walls, bare closet....resembling the amount of clothes that i posess....jk...coulldn't stay serious for long. anyhoo, i hope you read this tonight lisa...i hope you have a safe drive home, and i can't wait to see what this summer, and next year has in store for us. you are one crazy whore, you know that?...but you are my roomie, and i will have to accept your ways....
p.s. don't be a playa hata....hit me up ova the summa....biotch!
::my daddy is funny....::
Rockergodforever: Oh, OK, so you're with band not "with the band"........
DeathByAltoids: ohhhhhh
DeathByAltoids: ummm....yeah..
Rockergodforever: so far..........
DeathByAltoids: i haven't exactly 'asked' yet if i was on the list
Rockergodforever: i figured
DeathByAltoids: i was on the list once..
DeathByAltoids: but i got in with the drummer
Rockergodforever: funny, I remember EVERYONE getting in with "the drummer"
DeathByAltoids: well, they are always like laying low..
DeathByAltoids: inconspicuous
DeathByAltoids: and he was the only one without a girlfriend....so yeah
Rockergodforever: They have to....they just bang on stuff
DeathByAltoids: hah
Rockergodforever: OK that comment was for the line before
Jun 11, 2002
Jun 10, 2002
::i've gotten complaints lately that the blog has been a little 'man-hating' or something.....just not enough men on the blog...soo, as promised..here is some women-bashing material for all you avid guy readers out there.....compliments of that woman-hating bastard, hayden beckman.....jk hayden, you da man...and without further ado....::
"the theory is that drinking beer makes men turn into women. to test the theory, 100 men were fed 6 pints of beer each within a one hour period. it was observed that 100% of the men gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became overly emotional, couldn't drive, failed to think rationally, argued over nothing, and refused to apologize when wrong. no further testing is planned."
Jun 9, 2002
::i love the blog....::
someone else is going to kill you because you're so damn annoying. paste this code in your livejournal so the rest of the world can ridicule your sad fate.

take the death quiz.
and go to mewing.net. laura = great.
::do i wanna smell like cher?::

take the cher test.
and go to mewing.net. because laura isn't cher.
my roomate is 100% pure unadulterated cher.....she can turn back time....i'm rethinking being her roomate next year....
::all about me::
my name is: meagen
i may seem: like a crack addict
i'm really: not
people who know me think: i'm pretty weird
if you knew me you'd probably: think the same thing...
sometimes I feel: so mad...i feel so angry...i feel so callo--....oh, we're not singing box car racer lyrics? oh...
my days are: numbered
yesterday was: my 19th birthday...
in the morning i: woke up naked....i undressed myself in my sleep...my husband is going to love me....
i like to: sing at the top of my lungs until someone comes into my room and tells me to take the cat out of the blender...
money is: a figment of my imagination
one thing I don't have that I wish I did was: rock star life...music all the time....::sigh::
one thing I have that I wish I didn't was: a tummyache..
love is: so disgustingly cute...::barf::
my body is: fun?
if an angel flew into my window at night I would: most likely think it's normal.....i mean, who wouldn't?
if I could see one person right now it would be: anyone who i care about...
something I need but don't want is: discipline? hah..yeah right...
i am afraid of: rejection
it makes me angry when: i get sunburned in places i can't scratch...
i dream: of a place where i can frolick gaily through the meadows without so much as a stitch of clothing on....and people will think i'm normal...
i daydream: way too often...
Jun 7, 2002
Jun 6, 2002
Jun 5, 2002
::truer words have never been spoken....er...::
edsonic621: your blog gets more hits than Cyprus Hills bong
can i say 'bong' on the blog?
yup...i just did....
try and stop me now....
Jun 4, 2002
::do we even wanna know what 'meagen' rearranged spells?::
edsonic621: in light of your shower=whores epiphany,
edsonic621: i was reading a bit of history today
edsonic621: when i suddenly discovered the hidden meaning behind a vice presidents name
edsonic621: Spiro Agnew, VP to Richard Nixon
edsonic621: his name
edsonic621: Spiro Agnew
edsonic621: also spells out
edsonic621: "grow a penis"
[by the way...'meagen' rearranged spells 'menage'....i always knew i was a three-some kinda gal....er...]
::what the....::
does life just love me right now, or what?
how did i manage a 71% on my chemistry midterm when i didn't know ANYTHING that was going on? OMG! i seriously am the happiest girl right now...even though i have to finish my chemistry lab report, write an 8 page paper and work until 9. but it's like nothing else matters right now, because everything is just so great...i want to stay in the moment...right...now! ::flash::...i just took an snapshot of my life...at this moment. i'm going to save it for another day when i'm feeling so....[dare i say it?]....*emo* and i want to throw on a bit of craig's brother and weep to the music ["my life sucks, everyone hates me, i'll just go and cry like a good emo kid"]...eh, screw it all....craig's brother still rocks anyway...even when you're not in an emo mood...so there you have it ladies and gentleman.....life rocks....and so does craig's brother....and remember, when you are down....it can only get better from there....and that, my friends, the feeling you get when you are just so happy you feel like you could run around in the middle of the street naked and you wouldn't even care.....that feeling is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world....and i look forward to the more times in my life when i can feel exactly that way....and i will be content...
::hmm.....weighty issues....::
HaleBopp424: weight a second..
Auto response from DeathByAltoids: maternal and child nutrition......can i hear a 'what what' for childhood obesity?
HaleBopp424: haha i'm so funny
::i always knew mika was a little sketchy....::
DeathByAltoids: basically
DeathByAltoids: i'll pound your brains out
mikasully: hahahahahahaha
DeathByAltoids: i'm tricky like that
mikasully: I'd like to see you try
DeathByAltoids: oh yeah?
mikasully: yeah
DeathByAltoids: bring it on, sistah
mikasully: oh, its already been broughten
DeathByAltoids: broughten?
mikasully: um
DeathByAltoids: good english, honors
mikasully: ok, so I tricked my way into the honors program, so sue me
mikasully: I'm not a prodigy like the rest of yous
DeathByAltoids: i knew it
Jun 3, 2002
::did you know....::
i figured out this morning that 'shower' rearranged spells 'whores'.....
i told my sister.....
i told my roomate...
i told my friends....
i then told my shrink....
no one likes me anymore....
::i knew it::
Tululah94: good god, you're funny
DeathByAltoids: hah
DeathByAltoids: really?
Tululah94: yep
DeathByAltoids: woo!
DeathByAltoids: yay!
YAY FOR PROOF!....and YAY FOR MOLLY.....she's a cool chick....she likes jack handy...i miss him....*sniffle*
Jun 2, 2002
mmmmm.....fatherly advice....
Rockergodforever: you could just become a criminal and skip this college crap
should i take it?
i love my floormates.....
bordag32: never mind, I had it in the wrong fucking place
bordag32: I know I know...
THill652: at least you don't need mine anymore
THill652: now fuck off and let me look at my porn
bordag32: ya, I love the mr T icon
bordag32: lol, sorry to disturb you sir...
bordag32: that was a quick chat with trav, disgusting eh?
::ladies and gentleman....i give you.....deep thoughts......with hayden beckman::
Jun 1, 2002
after discussing how much my computer SUCKS (and yes, the network driver is NOT THERE anymore...so the bloggin' will be limited....::oh the horror:: *weep*)....this is what my 'homiez' had to say.....
me: man, i need some more hard drive space.....
trav: yeah, you definately need a good hard drive....
hayden: yeah....put some RAM into it!....
::go honors go!::.....hayden, you are 'honorary' honors for the sake of this post.....isn't the blog wonderful?